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Digital SAT Exam 2024: Key Dates and Schedule

Updated: Mar 24


The year 2024 marks a significant milestone in standardized testing with the introduction of the Digital SAT Exam. As students gear up for this transformative change, knowing the key dates and schedule for the Digital SAT Exam becomes paramount. The College Board has provided a structured timeline to guide students through this new testing experience. Lets take a look at Digital SAT Exam 2024: Key Dates and Schedule

Digital SAT Exam 2024: Key Dates and Schedule

Digital SAT Exam 2024: Important Dates

Test Dates

  • Fall 2023: For international students taking the digital SAT, the following test dates and deadlines are applicable.

SAT Test Date

Deadline for Registration

November 4, 2023

October 20, 2023

December 2, 2023

November 17, 2023

  • March- June 2024:The test dates and deadlines mentioned are applicable to all students, including U.S. and international students, who will be taking the digital SAT.

SAT Test Date

Deadline for Registration

​March 9, 2024

February 23, 2024

May 4, 2024

​April 19, 2024

​June 1, 2024

May 16, 2024

  • August- December 2024: The following dates are anticipated test dates.

Anticipated SAT Test Dates

​August 24, 2024

​October 5, 2024

​November 2, 2024

​December 7, 2024

March 8, 2025

May 3, 2025

June 7, 2025

Registration Period

  • Following Announcement: Registration for the Digital SAT Exam will open shortly after the official announcement of the exam dates. Students will be required to register within the designated timeframe to secure their slot for the exam.

Test Administration Period

  • Scheduled Test Windows: The Digital SAT Exam will be conducted over specific test windows. Students will have the flexibility to choose a date and time slot within these windows that best suits their schedule.

Score Release

  • Approximately 2-3 Weeks after Test Date: After the completion of the exam, the College Board will release the scores within a reasonably quick timeframe. This quick turnaround time ensures that students receive their results promptly.

What to Expect During the Test Administration Period

  • The Digital SAT Exam will be offered over multiple days and time slots to accommodate students globally.

  • Test-takers will have the flexibility to select a specific date and time that aligns with their schedule and readiness.

  • The adaptive testing format will personalize the test experience, adjusting question difficulty based on individual responses.

How to Prepare for the Digital SAT Exam Dates

  • Stay updated: Regularly check the College Board's official announcements and their website for the confirmed dates and any updates regarding the Digital SAT Exam 2024.

  • Register promptly: Once the registration opens, secure your spot by registering for the exam within the provided window to ensure your preferred test date.

  • Practice in a digital environment: Familiarize yourself with the digital interface and tools by utilizing the available practice tests and resources.

  • Ensure technical readiness: Test your devices, internet connectivity, and required software well in advance of your selected test date.


The Digital SAT Exam of 2024 represents a significant advancement in standardized testing. The College Board has designed a structured timeline that provides students with flexibility and convenience, while preserving the integrity of the assessment process.

Hello Study Global strongly encourages students to remain informed, get prepared, and take full advantage of the available resources to excel in the Digital SAT Exam.

We know and understand that the application process can be overwhelming, so we are here for you. The study abroad experts at Hello Study Global are there for you every step of the way. From preparing for entrance exams to college applications, we will guide you to success.

Feel free to reach out to us at Hello Study Global.


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