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Top Engineering Colleges in Singapore

Singapore has a strong reputation for having top-notch engineering schools. Singapore's engineering colleges play heavy emphasis on research and innovation and are recognized for their cutting-edge curricula and top-notch facilities.

Admission Criteria

Engineering college admissions in Singapore are rigorous, and institutions often have stringent eligibility requirements for potential students. Academic history, exam scores, and work experience are a few of the variables that universities take into account. For master's programmes, the majority of universities require applicants to have a bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline and a minimum GPA of 2.5 or 3.0. Furthermore, a lot of universities demand that applicants take standardized exams like the SAT, GMAT, or GRE.

Test requirements

Although each college has its own unique test criteria, the SAT and GRE are generally acceptable. While the GRE evaluates verbal reasoning and analytical abilities, the SAT is frequently used to evaluate applicants' knowledge of math, science, and critical thinking. In contrast, the GMAT is an exam that is frequently approved for enrolment in engineering graduate programmes, including Master's programmes.


Depending on the institution, curriculum, and length of study, different engineering colleges in Singapore have different tuition fees. In total, students should budget between SGD 10,000 and SGD 40,000 per year for tuition, accommodation, and other costs.

Post Graduation work visa

You must change your student pass into a visit pass if you plan to remain in Singapore and look for work. You have one year from the date of issue to secure work in the nation. If you are hired, you or your company may submit an application for an employment pass. Additionally, Singapore has a 90% success rate for obtaining a post-work visa, and if you are successful, the Singaporean government plans to repay half of your tuition.

Top Engineering Colleges in Singapore

  • National University of Singapore

  • Singapore Institute of Engineering Technologists

  • Design Technology Institute (DTI)

  • Singapore University of Technology and Design

  • National Institute of Education

  • Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)

  • Singapore Management University

  • The Logistic Institute-Asia Pacific

  • PSB Academy

  • Nanyang Technology University

  • James Cook University

  • SIM Universit

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